Saturday, October 07, 2006

EU cheese ban is 'attack' on British dairy industry

The Times, p. 11

By David Charter, Valerie Elliott and Russell Jenkins

BRITAIN’S £5.6 billion dairy industry was facing serious food safety questions yesterday after European officials discovered cheese polluted with antibiotics, dyes and detergents and announced a series of emergency inspections.
The Government was forced to defend its health and safety tests for milk and insisted that dairy products were safe for consumption, but the European Commission gave warning that Britain must change its approach to guarantee hygiene standards.
A row that began as a dispute over sharp practice at a Lancashire cheesemakers escalated during the day to threaten the reputation of the entire dairy industry and raised the spectre of another food scare after the disastrous foot-and-mouth outbreak of 2001 and the beef ban over “mad cow” disease.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter what the EU bureaucrats say, we are teflon taugh here, you must be to survive British cooking!