Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Will Ramsay have to eat his f-words?

The Scotsman

By Emma Cowing

'AH!" SAYS the impeccably turned-out French maitre d', taking our coats. "You are the people who asked to see the chef's table, yes?" We confirm that we are. "That is no problem," he says, threading his way through the faux snakeskin chairs to our table as numerous, equally impeccable-looking French waiting staff hover nearby. "You will go after the meal, yes?"
Welcome to Abstract Edinburgh, the newest fine-dining restaurant to open its doors in the capital. You will have heard of Abstract. You will probably have heard of the chef's table, too. Most likely you will have heard of them in conjunction with the name Gordon Ramsay, as it was as a result of two visits by the fearsome chef to Abstract's first restaurant in Inverness, for his Channel 4 show Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, that both entered the media spotlight.


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